It’s Delurking Week! It’s Delurking Week! If you have been a reader of Cootiehog and rarely – if ever – post a comment, then use this thread to do just that. I know I have about 50 regular readers who NEVER comment but still manage to visit at least once or twice a day. I’d love to hear from you.
** I will keep this post at the top all week – for new material look below. However, I don’t have a plugin installed to do sticky posts, so I may give up after a while with manually marking this to stay on top all the time. Thanks to SnarkWife for emailing me the link to the plugin I needed to make this post sticky!**
Hey Jaynee,
This has nothing to do with lurking but I just heard of something
at work today that I thought you may be interested in. There is
this new Tylenol fever reducer that comes with a flavor kit, you
get to pick the falvor and mix it in your self. I thought it might
be something to get CootieBoy to take tylenol next time he has a fever.
This girl at work said her son loves it so much he pretends to be
sick just so he can have it.
Hey Tracy – that’s AWESOME and I’m definitely going to see if I can find it. Maybe if he thinks he’s actively picking what it’ll taste like he’ll be more inclined to take it. That’s AWESOME (although not as great as the medicine-in-cotton-candy thing I heard about a number of years ago that never came to fruition)!
Maybe I can invent medicine in cotton candy. I can be a color man.
Since Grace does not like candy, I want medicine that tastes like water or has no taste or color. Better yet if it all had the same flavor as children’s motrin which she likes I would be alright. BUT thankfully she has never needed anything but motrin or benadryl which I can easily hide in food!!
I still read but I’m a lousy commenter.
I really love the new look, btw.
Just wanted to step out of lurkdom to say that I really enjoy reading your weblog! The Cooties rule
Delurking all the way from North Dakota!
Thanks for commenting, Deb, Julie and Erin! And Deb, I apologize for not knowing your own blog had moved! That’s what I get for not being better about visiting all my links!
Woo hoo for de-lurking!!! Thanks for the comment, and I love your blog!!
I forgot all about delurking week! Thanks for the reminder!
Can you even find the sticky post plugin? I haven’t had any luck since about a year ago. :\
Anyway, I’m delurking here as well! Thank you for the comment, I know that NY is a fantastic place, I just feel this odd pull to Florida. I can’t explain it, but I can’t stand it here, lol!!
Hi! Miss you guys. . .it was great to see you and the kids over Christmas! Love ythe pictures of your house. . .how come this is typing way off the screen and I can’t see what I’m typing? anyway, love your paintings in the LR too! (Not too high–I think perfect!) Well, back to work! Love to family. L
I don’t comment very often, but actually have a couple of times this week,
but I’ll officially delurk anyway! Have a great day!
Monique – I’ve seen one called “Adhesive” that I might try, but I’ve heard it has bugs and it hasn’t been updated in about 2 years. So I don’t even know if it’s 2.0.# compatible. If I find one I’ll let you know!
Lydia – I have no idea why the box goes big – it’s a bug I haven’t been able to fix yet. But I’m working on it because I find it very annoying as well!
Bev – you are a regular chatterbox this week!
I read everyday but only comment when I have the time….
so I meant to comment the other day about Chris Daughtry’s
new CD…I am right there with you…every song is good!
like yourself, I haven’t visited in awhile either… more than happy to show my ‘face’ on your blog…
Happy New Year!
De-lurking from AZ…love your blog! I, too, was going to comment about Chris Daughtry’s new cd – LOVING it!
Hi! I’ve been reading your blog for about three years not and I try to check in every day if I can.
Ooops, that should be “now” not “not”!
No worries! We were terribly lazy about announcing it–we didn’t. LOL! Nice to see ya, though.
Why do I love De-Lurking Week? Well, aside from the comments I haven’t gotten yet, it forces me to actually comment on other people’s blogs.
Fun new look around these parts!
Faithful reader, infrequent commenter. We had our first snow of the season this morning. It is supposed to be close to 50 degrees again this weekend. Hope your weather is at least consistant.
Jaynee – yours was the first blog I ever read two or three years ago and from that point I just keep expanding my blog roll. I love your CootieGirl and CootieBoy stories, they are the cutest kids around (but you knew that). I always meant to comment before this but I’m lazy. Love your new look.
njsue – we had 50 degree weather all day today, I believe. And last weekend we got up to 75 degrees on the day we went to the zoo in Columbia. I think they are calling for rain here on sunday again. I admit that I saw the pictures of snow sprinkles in NJ and got a little verklempt.
Diz! There you are! I was disappointed when I saw your old site was gone, but happ that you commented so that I know to where you’ve returned. YAY!
Thanks for the compliments on the new look, Gwen. Although this comment box expansion thing is driving me nuts right now *lol*. If you think CootieGirl and CootieBoy are cute, you are welcome to come to SC and babysit anytime you want. ANYTIME.
Lurking in Atlanta – I found your site b/c I was doing a web search for something regarding my son. He is 6 months younger than CootieBoy – I started reading his site first, then worked my way ’round to the entire Cootie Clan. (PS – I was married in Scotland 4 years ago…have a GREAT trip this spring!)
Delurking here from Ohio. Lurve your blog – especially all the book and movie reviews as well as the fact that you post frequently. Keep on writing and I’ll try to be less lurky.
Cristan – I didn’t realize you had gotten *married* in Scotland!! It must have been BEAUTIFUL!!
Claire – thanks for delurking! I love the crafts on your page! Do you sell any?
Hiya Jaynee! I love your new home – sure as heck beats NJ!
: – )
Kate: you ain’t kiddin’!
Hi Jaynee. Faithful reader. rarely comment. love your new home. sure beats norther nj.
Thanks, mimi! I appreciate you taking the time to comment. You lurker, you…;)
Seems I’ve been lurking around here for years, off and on. Thanks for saying hello todya! And a de-lurking hello right back to you!
De-lurking too! I’m not much of a commenter but I love your blog!
Thanks, Carrie!
And thanks to ALL lurkers who have stepped out of their comfort zone and posted this week!!