Date Night in Jeopardy For Two Reasons

Well, our babysitter is sick with a stomach flu and may not be able to babysit. She is contacting friends to see if she can find a replacement.

And in other news, Mr. BIL is still completely swamped and getting more frustrated by it each day. Because of that, I volunteered to stay late tonight if it would help him clear things off his desk. Our To Do list is ever-growing, and not getting any shorter. He has four deadlines – self-inflicted – that he keeps moving because he can’t get the work done. And his clients are beginning to call him to complain. I feel bad for him – it’s not like he’s shirking his duties, it’s just that he has A LOT of them.

So anyway, Date Night may be postponed for those two reasons. Alternatively, if we can find a babysitter, I can always meet Denis at the movie theater in time for the 8 p.m. showing and then we can go get a drink afterwards.