Cool Tricks – Music Notation

This past Sunday at church the band played “Taking it to the Streets” by the Doobie Brothers as the opening song. Our keyboardist for the day, Martha, had made some of her own music charts to help her with the piano parts since we didn’t have music to read from. Well, I’m totally going to tell her about “Finale®,” which is a notation software. According to the website description, she could have imported the song track into the software and it would break it out into the various parts – including the full piano part. This fully-loaded software also offers music engraving which is essential for any piano player’s nuanced performance. Another interesting software they offer is “SmartMusic®,” which is a music practice system that features Intelligent Accompaniment® and the world’s largest interactive accompaniment library.

Just looking through the website it makes me giddy about all the possibilities for our band. I think Martha would be super-excited about it and I know I would be because they we could just upload the actual songs and have the music be created for us – and then we can tweak it based on how we actually perform the song.

GREAT GREAT program!!