Normally my commute to and from work is a dream. I leave my house around 7:15 a.m. and I’m at my desk by 8:30 a.m. At night I leave my desk at 5:00 p.m. and usually walk in my front door by 6:30 p.m.
Last night? Because of this stupid snow and a jack-knifed tractor trailer on the only road that leads to my house?
I walked in the door at 7:33 p.m. From 5:15 p.m. – 6:50 p.m. I was standing in the Port Authority in a line that snaked through the entire second floor of the joint (see moblog picture to the right as proof).
Last night they closed down eastbound Rte 3 which meant no buses were coming into the Port Authority to then turnaround and take people back to NJ. So we stood and stood and stood. The actual bus ride was nothing – it ran smoothly and the only time we were really backed up is when we pulled up alongside the jack-knifed semi on the other side of the highway.
But still, hating the Port Authority as much as I do, it’s never fun to just stand there and stand there and not move and have people constantly asking you, “What bus line is this?” in order to determine which line of four they should get in.
Don’t feel so bad. You actually made better time than I did. I left my office at 4:00 and I usually get on a 4:20 bus. I usually get off that bus about 5:30ish. Well, last night our bus driver decided to get off the highway and make his way through Hoboken. WRONG MOVE. I walked into my house at 8:00 pm. Wish I could have taken a picture of the lines on the third floor of the Port.
I feel your pain, I know exactly how it is! I purposely work late or make dinner plans on Friday nights to avoid the crazy Friday rush hour from PA. Which essentially means all the lines are like the line you had to wait on.
Port Authority & NJ Transit smell. It once took me 2.5 hrs to get home one evening… whereas it usually takes 25-30 minutes.