Tonight was the night we tallied CootieGirl’s checkmarks for the week to determine how much allowance she earned. You will recall that last week we began giving her more responsibility, and she has a chart to track her accomplishments. Each checkmark she earns gets her 5 more cents. Last week, her first week doing the chart, she earned $2.85. This week she earned $3.95. It helped that school is in session. We also determined that Daddy is a much tougher on CG about earning checkmarks. *lol* She had a mix of good days and bad. Last Friday she only earned 5 checkmarks. However, on Monday she earned 18. The other days were all in the 10-11 range.
I counted out the $3.95 and then separated 39 cents for her tithe this coming Sunday, 78 cents for her piggy bank, and the remaining $2.78 into her spending bank. After two weeks, she now has $4.79 in her spending bank. She originally wanted to go to the movies, but now she has decided she wants to replace this cheap little toy she got for Christmas. It came as a freebie with the fundraiser her school did early in the school year, but it broke within a week of her getting it. I’ve been able to find it online for really cheap (anywhere from $1.78 to $3.99), but the shipping for that thing is killing me – it’s taking that stupid gonna-break-within-minutes-of-her-getting-a-new-one comes to $9-10 once they add shipping because all the stores that sell it ship by UPS! The one store I found that shipped regular USPS for pretty cheap was selling that cheap rubber toy for $5.99. So it was pretty much the same price! I will NOT let her pay $10 for that thing. I’m gonna hit up a couple party stores tomorrow to see if I can find it there. If I can’t, I’ll tell her it just can’t be done. She’ll have to do something else with that money.
I’m pretty sure I can get that broken toy from the dollar store. Don’t go buying anything.
It may be a bit over her head a her age but all of those things you mentioned can be used to teach her how to make wise decisions in buying.