YAY for leaving on vacation today!
YAY for not stressing about it and just hanging out last night watching TV!
YAY for having our wills witnessed and notarized today so that I can fly knowing our kids are taken care of should our plane crash!
YAY for packing a half-empty suitcase so I have plenty of room for all the stuff I’m going to buy!
YAY for having all my work done already so that I can just hang out and relax until Denis picks me up at 3:30 p.m.!
YAY to having three ladies confirmed to occasionally post at Cootiehog to keep it active while we’re gone!
YAY for Marmie being willing to take care of two hyper toddlers for an entire week!
Excited much? Dude, this is our first real vacation in a LONG LONG time. The last trip we took was the town-seeking trip to NC in November 2005. And THAT was no vacation since we spent 5-6 hours EVERY DAY in the car driving. That’s surprisingly exhausting. Fortunately, on this vacation we will be driving, but not 5-6 hours every day. So really, we haven’t had a *real* vacation since…the Memphis/Nashville trip in 2004. So this is a much anticipated trip!
We still don’t have an itinerary hammered out – we’ll do that on the plane ride to London. I can’t WAIT!!!
Have a wonderful time! Your kids will take good care of Marmie. Oh,
wait,I mean, Marmie will take good care of the kids. ;-)We’ll be
praying. Check you later!
Hope you and Denis have a wonderful time. You deserve the time together.
blessings, g
Have fun and be safe. Can’t wait to hear all about it and see pictures when you get home. And I can’t wait to see tired Marmie when she gets back home, too.
Be safe and have fun!!!! Lova ya.
Bon Voyage!! Can’t wait to hear all about it.