Check Your Tickets, Ladies and Gentlemen

I have been assuming all day that the “So You Think You Can Dance” event is at Ovens Auditorium here in Charlotte. I printed out directions from my office, including all surrounding parking garages, and had mapped out how I was going to get there.

Good thing I looked at my ticket a while ago.

It’s not at Ovens Auditorium. It’s at Bobcats Arena. Totally different section of town.

I would have been REALLY MAD if I had gone over to OA, parked in a garage, paid the parking fee, had some dinner and then found out I was at the wrong place.

One comment on “Check Your Tickets, Ladies and Gentlemen

  • Denis , Direct link to comment

    I gotta ask. What make you think it was at the other arena, which I’ve never heard of and you’ve never been to? Weird. Glad it’s closer to our office.

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