Check It: I’m Still At Home!

Last night at work Mr. BIL came walking in around 5:45 pm. I told him I could only stay until 6:30 pm so we went through all the things I had done that day and got things ready for me to do today.

Then Mr. BIL said, “Hey, would you consider staying until 8 p.m. tomorrow instead of 7 p.m.? You wouldn’t have to come in until 11 a.m.”

“SURE!” I responded happily.

So, this morning after I took the kids to daycare I went to the gym for a quick 45 minute treadmill session and now I’m home to get ready for work. I could TOTALLY get used to this but I know there’s no way they’ll let me permanently change my hours to 11 am – 8 pm.

Tomorrow I’m back to my normal hours since Mr. BIL won’t be coming in after his training. And then Thursday I’ll be doing the 11 am – 8 pm shift again. Friday I’m back to normal hours and leaving at 3:30 pm for the airport.

02 comments on “Check It: I’m Still At Home!

  • denis , Direct link to comment

    Of course, if you switched your hours to 11 to 8 you’d never get to see your kids during the week because they would be out the door before you woke up and in bed before you got home.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    No, I’d still get up like I did this morning. I got to play with CootieBoy a lot this morning, which I normally don’t get to do since I have to get up and get ready for work. I didn’t get to play with CootieGirl much since she likes her sleep. *lol* And with the time change coming? We need to get used to daylight being around until 9 p.m. – which means later bedtimes for both of them.

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