Check, Check and Check!

Move to new house scheduled for first weekend in October 2006? Check!
First vacation in two years (to Scotland) scheduled for March 2007? Check!

So how about Disney in 2008?

After all, in the fall of 2008 CootieGirl will be heading to First Grade and CootieBoy will be entering Kindergarten – it’s the perfect time to celebrate CHILDHOOD at the Happiest Place on Earth before the daunting task of EDUCATION takes over.

I did a quick check this morning at my timeshare website and found a highly rated resort had availability in late May 2008. So I put a 2-bedroom condo on hold and will confirm it sometime in the next 24 hours. I then put out an APB to all of my immediately family to see if we could turn this into a massive family vacation whereby six adults wrangle three kids and manage to keep their sanity (which is much better than two adults wrangling two kids and losing their sanity).

And I won’t lie – having Marmie, Pop, Jen and Beau there also means that there is a higher likelihood that I’ll be able to actually ride the rolly-coasters, since Denis is anti and never wants to go to an amusement park with the kids because he knows he’ll be standing there wrangling two toddlers while I’m 100 feet in the air screaming all the way down the steep slope of the latest crazy ride.

02 comments on “Check, Check and Check!

  • jen , Direct link to comment

    Beau still doesn’t know that I’ve agreed for us to go. 😆 I, however, can hardly wait! And I plan to ride a roller coaster or two, but I’ll probably have to decline most of them since I have the motion sickness problem. *sad*

  • Bev , Direct link to comment

    Four words for you: Big Thunder Mountain Roadroad! V-E-R-Y fun and no huge drops! I love Disney World, we have been several times since the kids were grown, it’s fantastic for all ages. We have a timeshare in Orlando (imagine that, there are only about a jillion of them there).

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