Changing Our Name To The Sicklies

CootieGirl is home from daycare today with a horrible cough. Poor little thing woke up at 5 a.m. and came into the room. “Mommy,” she said to me as she touched my arm to wake me up.

“Yes, sweetie?”

“I hafta go potty.”

I went with her, and she looked pitiful sitting there. Once she washed her hands she crawled into bed with us (where, notably, CootieBoy was already sleeping with us since he crawled in around 3 a.m. *sigh*). For the next two hours we had the Family Bed thing going, with germs a-flyin’ everywhere between CootieBoy’s snotty nose and CootieGirl’s hacking cough.

Denis had the nerve to attempt to get up and sleep downstairs, to which I said, “Oh no you don’t, buddy. You get back in bed right now and stay with us.”

Fortunately, CootieGirl didn’t want her daddy to be alone, so the two of them went downstairs to watch TV and try and catch some z’s that weren’t always interrupted by fits of coughing. And CootieBoy and I stayed upstairs in the nice warm comfy flannel-sheeted bed.

03 comments on “Changing Our Name To The Sicklies

  • Uncle Bill , Direct link to comment

    That can only mean that all of you will be sick when you come up to VA. I hope not.

  • Marmie , Direct link to comment

    Yeah, ditto Uncle Bill’s comment. I am just getting over a bad coughing cold, and Dad has it now. Unclean! Unclean!

  • denis , Direct link to comment

    CootieGirl is sicker now than she was yesterday, I believe. And we never watched any television last night. Just tried falling back to sleep in between coughs. Let’s start praying we have a smooth drive up north tomorrow. I’ll take CootieBoy in my car.

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