Exciting changes in the world of the Cooties – can’t go into details now, but all will become more clear on Thursday when I can spill my beans completely.
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Exciting changes in the world of the Cooties – can’t go into details now, but all will become more clear on Thursday when I can spill my beans completely.
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You’re pregnant!!! I can just FEEl it!!!:cheer:
You enjoy making us wait, don’t you. Like you did the last time you said something like this:wave:
Colleen, I am NOT pregnant (although a couple weeks ago I thought I was)…:11doh:
I would have guessed pregnant…but you already said no…so, now I’m thinking new job or a move of some sort — because I’m so smart that way ;o)
I’m still guessing pregnant. You know, because “not pregnant” is the new pregnant!:detective:
It could also be something as mundane as a template change here at Cootiehog…ever think of that, smart people? :huh:
I know! I know! DH has a big mouth!!!:tongue:
so TELL ALREADY!!:tongue:
I can’t steal anyone’s thunder! I just wanted to gloat!!!