It took a while for this past round, but as of yesterday we have a winner! Yesterday, veteran actor Harry Morgan passed away at the age of 96 years old. He most famously played Colonel Potter on the hit show M*A*S*H in the 1970s/80s.
With his passing, Bev wins Round 9 of my Celebrity Dead Pool. Bev – look for an email from me this morning!
This also means that Round 10 has begun, and people are allowed to change their picks. If you want to participate, drop me an email at cootiehog[at]gmail[dot]com and we’ll get you on the list. The only rules are as follows:
1) Celebrity must be alive.
2) Celebrity can be ANYONE famous – not just the typical celebrity. We’re talking politics, religion, etc.
3) Celebrity cannot have been in the news in recent weeks regarding ill health (however, if you *current* pick has been in the news, you can keep that person as your pick).
We’ll close the time for entries on Friday, December 16.
I won!!! But I feel kind of bad about that too.