Catching Up

Time for a post to catch you up a bit on what has happened over the past week.

Last Wednesday I flew back to DC to pick up my car and drove to NJ. I spent most of the afternoon and evening packing. Fortunately, Ace, Deby and Kathy came over to help – otherwise I would have been up all night. As it was, I stayed in the house until about midnight and then crashed at our next door neighbors. The following morning I was up at 5:30 a.m. to continue packing. My neighbor Don attacked the huge branch and cut it up and left a much smaller pile on the street for the town to pick up. At some point Deby came back over and told me she was there to clean. What a blessing that was! Totally unexpected and MUCH appreciated. The other blessing was that she agreed to take Mr. Fish III home. At 9:30 a.m. the youth group that was visiting our church came over. About 20 teens and 4-5 adults helped load our moving trailer. It was truly miraculous to have the entire house pretty much emptied by 11 a.m.! I was in shock! And so happy I almost cried. Deby’s brother Pete came over at some point to help with the cleaning. Those two did a phenomenal job and by the time everyone left the house was SPOTLESS. I didn’t leave the house until almost 2 p.m. because I was waiting for the trailer to get picked up, and finally gave up and left for VA to spend the night.

On Friday morning I got up early again and left at 7:00 a.m. for SC. I arrived at 2 p.m. to wonderful hugs and kisses. I couldn’t believe the progress Denis made on the apartment – he had unpacked almost everything already. Magnificent!

I’ll write more later – but at least we’re only a week behind at this point, and I’ve hit the highlights. Be sure to check the Moblog on a regular basis – I’ve been sending pictures sporadically. Right now you’ll see a pic of our mess of a bedroom and CootieGirl, but if you click into the actual site that holds the pictures you’ll also see some pictures from the zoo the other day (including one of a meerkat that I LOVE).

Coming up: The new TV we’ll get, puking at the storage unit, and my job interview.