Cat Talk

As you know, we have five pets in the house, a dog and four cats. Denis grew up without pets, so when he married me he adopted one cat. But one cat wasn’t enough, so we added another. Then we gave the first cat to my parents, but then adopted two more. We were up to three. Then our neighbors found a litter of strays and voila – we were up to four. We ALMOST adopted another cat a few years ago – but in the end decided that would be too much to have FIVE cats and a dog.

I know cat people love to talk about their cats – there are even whole websites dedicated to it. looks like it’s a new website specifically geared towards cat lovers. There isn’t a lot of material there YET, but the intent of the website is great – to talk about anything related to cats – from care to behavior to just sharing stories. So forgive me for indulging and talking about my own cats, who crack me up sometimes.

I love when Freddie goes into freak out mode. He does it at night, usually around 9:30 p.m. He’ll be acting normally and all of a sudden WHAMMO – freakout. Loud agonizing moans, lightning quick runs around the house, more agonizing moans. It only lasts about 30 seconds and he’s done. NONE of our other cats do this, so it must be a male thing (he’s the only male cat).

Mini, our last addition, is still VERY skittish despite being around us for over 7 years. She doesn’t mind being pet – about once a week. If you look at her, she runs. It’s very odd, considering we’ve never been anything but sweet to her and have NEVER had to correct her behavior because she just does her thing. She’s very solitary and I don’t think I’ve EVER seen her cuddle with any of the other animals.

Ginger and Stinky don’t really have any weird habits to speak of. Ginger likes Cooper The Dog and is about the only cat that allows him to sniff around. Stinky, as I’ve said before, is our Alpha Cat. Rules the roost and lets everyone know it. Including me.

One comment on “Cat Talk

  • Ace , Direct link to comment

    Oh… poor “RED” you should have totally adopted him. He was one big Cat!

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