Carrots Make You See Better

A few nights ago I asked CootieGirl what time it was. We were at the dinner table and she turned to look at the wall oven and without hesitation read out the numbers. I was happy she read them so easily, because it confirmed my thinking that she does not require glasses. Denis doesn’t wear glasses, and I was hoping the kids would get that sight gene from him. Looks like she did, at the very least.

Then last night we were eating dinner, and she claimed that carrots made her a Power Ranger. I said, “I thought they made you see better?” She said, “Nope – they make you strong like a Power Ranger.” Huh. Okay. Didn’t know that. CootieGirl wants to be the pink Power Ranger. Girl power!

On the flip side, I wear glasses every day. A number of years ago I was told that I was a good candidate for LASIK surgery. Since then my prescription has definitely changed, and in a couple of years I’ll probably start donating to my health spending account at work specifically to save up for a year-end LASIK procedure.

It has been around long enough that I know it’s probably a pretty safe procedure. This past weekend I talked with my aunt, who is retiring to Colorado in a couple years. She, too, wears glasses everyday, and I wonder if her reward for retirement will not only be moving to Colorado, but possibly getting her own Denver LASIK done so she can enjoy her retirement in visual style.

In any event, I look forward to the day where I don’t have to get a new pair of glasses, or wonder whether it’s worth the investment to get contacts, or lose my glasses somewhere in the house, or put a big pair of sunglasses OVER my glasses when I’m driving on a super-sunny day (yes, I’ve done that. shut up.).

02 comments on “Carrots Make You See Better

  • jen , Direct link to comment

    I am bored at work and looking for anything to do.

    I’m ponying up the dough for Rx sunglasses this year since the possible diagnosis of early cataracts. Sunglasses help delay that malady apparently.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Yeah, I don’t want to fork out money for prescription sunglasses – I’d much rather fork out the money on LASIK and be done with prescriptions entirely. A woman at my office had it done last winter and she LOVED the results.

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