Can We Do It?

Tomorrow morning at the crack ‘o, CootieGirl and I leave for Virginia to visit my sister, Jen. Denis and CootieBoy will stay behind and attempt to do some male bonding in which CootieBoy decides to wear a knight or pirate costume in lieu of his current favorite: the purple princess dress. Also, Denis will be attempting to get CootieBoy to sleep in his brand new adult bed with non-Ariel related bedding. I predict Denis will be insane by the end of the weekend.

But I may not be too far behind him, for I get to spend 12 hours round-trip in a car with CootieGirl, a girl who loves to talk, always wants to know what’s happening, and tends to ask the same question about 100 times before she’s satisfied with the answer and moves on to the next round of questioning.

Another prediction: Upon arriving home I will happily turn over CootieGirl to Denis so that they can talk all about the trip and all that she saw in the car, and I will happily crawl into CootieBoy’s new adult-sized bed and take a long nap with CootieBoy, who will be dressed up in hew new favorite costume: the knight’s helmet *and* the purple princess dress.

One comment on “Can We Do It?

  • Denis , Direct link to comment

    Since we are offering up predictions, I say the arlarm does not go off at 6:01 as set and the girls don’t get out of bet until after 7 o’clock, putting a krimp in the “crack of o” plan. Then I predict CootieBoy will be miserable on the way to day care without CootieGirl in the car with him.

    I also predict that CootieBoy will not go to bed easily, and not before 10 p.m. in an effort to keep him asleep all night in his new bed. I also predict lots of fun at the park and plenty of pictures on Saturday.

    Lastly, I predict a restful hour or two at church, followed by more park play, and lots of cries for Mama and CootieGirl. I’ll let you know what happens.

    Have a safe trip and give baby Jesse a big kiss from me.

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