Nah, after I shot this I wanted Denis to see it because her faces are so funny, so we played it on the tv. Once CootieGirl saw herself on tv that was all she wrote – she danced and played in front of the camera for the rest of the night (we have some funny footage of CootieBoy and CootieGirl both in princess dresses).
Hilarious. Prepare for therapy for her camera issues later.
Nah, after I shot this I wanted Denis to see it because her faces are so funny, so we played it on the tv. Once CootieGirl saw herself on tv that was all she wrote – she danced and played in front of the camera for the rest of the night (we have some funny footage of CootieBoy and CootieGirl both in princess dresses).
Ah, poor thing…tell her Marmie wants to see her too. Wish I could visit, but maybe soon. I’ll call her so she and I can talk.