The last post was about Dobby the Dog. But what about Chilly the Dog? Well, Chilly is still the most awesome dog in the world. He’s also a cranky old man. Much, much older than the rescue group thought.
When we adopted him they thought he was about five years old. However, we are positive he’s closer to 9-10 years old. His eyes are getting filmy, and he is very slow going up the stairs. At some point a couple months ago he started having problems jumping onto our bed, so we got him a simple set of stairs to walk up. At first he didn’t like the stairs, but now he uses them exclusively. Even getting onto the sofa he’ll sometimes have to make two attempts.
He has gotten ornery since Dobby entered the house. He’s okay around other dogs, but sometimes Dobby is a bit too exuberant for Chilly’s liking. The result will be that Chilly growls or nips at Dobby when he gets to close, or accidently steps on Chilly in his attempt to get to me. Dobby doesn’t like it when I pet Chilly and so I find that I have to give Chilly lots of love when Dobby is in another room or else Dobby will come and push Chilly out of the way so HE can get pet.
Chilly has also become more finicky in his eating habits. Before Dobby we fed him regular food in a bowl on the floor. Now he’ll only eat a mix of wet and dry food in a bowl raised up 8″ off the floor. We think because of his age that he finds it hard to reach down all the way to the floor to get food. Either that or he’s being a drama queen about the new dog in the house.
He’s a complete bed hog and as a result last week we moved the bed steps into CootieBoy’s room (since Chilly tended to nap in there during the day ANYway), and so for the past several days he has slept with CootieBoy in his bed. CB is fine with this decision for the most part, although he has mentioned that Chilly likes to push him to the edge of the bed during the night. *lol* My response, was, “I know, right?!”
It’s hard to believe we’ve not even had Chilly a year yet. This Christmas will be one year. It’s as though we’ve had him forever. The kids have already said that once Chilly dies they want another dog just like him. I’ve told him that’s going to be impossible because Chilly is truly a one of a kind dog.