So this week I may have jury duty in Newark. Oh joy. I’ll be making the call on Wednesday after 4 p.m. at which point I’ll know if I have to report on Thursday morning at 8:15 a.m. That sucks. As a Petit Juror I will either serve two days or one trial, whichever comes first. Let’s hope it’s the one trial lasting half an afternoon. No, I’m not going to try and get out of it – as bad as my experience was when I served on a jury in Queens, I’ll just hope and pray I get a good co-jury this time around.
Friday night my church is having a big celebration dinner to end the “40 Days of Community” series that we’ve been doing the past six weeks. Denis and I are providing 10 lbs of green beans (out of the total 40 lbs. requested). That’s a lot of beans, people. They have 145 confirmed attendees so far. That’s pretty good for a church that averages 170 per week – that means that nearly everyone is coming! The only bad thing is that it starts at 7:30 p.m. – which means I’ll barely have time to get home and clean myself up before we have to drive over. Supposedly the bambinos will be in church-provided childcare somewhere, but I don’t know where.
Then on Saturday CootieGirl and I will make the trek into the city to see The Wiggles live in concert at Madison Square Garden. She’s been a dancing fool at home lately, so I’m sure she’ll have a grand old time. I’ll have my cellphone with me so I’ll do some moblogging that afternoon during the festivities.
10 lbs of beans = 2.2 pounds of caviar?