Busy Morning

This morning was a bustle of activity at home. CootieBoy decided he wanted to take his suitcase to Marmie & Pop’s. But he didn’t want CLOTHES to go in there – only one single toy. So he got ticked when I took control and packed his clothes in the suitcase and put the toy on top. Then he got mad when I tried to make him wear a shirt under his sweater vest.

CootieGirl was well behaved but paid too much attention to the tv instead of listening to Denis and me, so I finally turned off the tv so she’d listen. Once I did that she was a jewel and did what was asked of her.

I never did start the load of laundry last night, so I started one this morning and will go home on my lunch hour and move it to the dryer so it’s dry by the time I get home from work this afternoon. I’ll also take the few minutes I’m home to clean up a bit more around the house so the house isn’t in complete disarray upon our return on Sunday.

We’ve had an issue come up recently with one of the cats (most likely Fred) peeing inappropriately on the second floor of the house. Specifically in our walk-in closet. So we are going to invest in another kitty litter box for the second floor so that the lazy cat who doesn’t want to go downstairs to the laundry room can do his business without ruining whatever we happen to have on the floor of our closet or – worse case scenario – our bed.