Busy Day Ahead!

It’s 1:22 a.m. and I just finished frosting a pumpkin cake that I’ll be taking to work tomorrow to celebrate someone’s birthday. I don’t know what I was thinking. *lol*

Tomorrow (or should I say today?) is going to be a BUSY day.

1) Have to take Cooper the Dog to the vet to have his stitches removed at 8 a.m.
2) Have to finish decorating the cake.
3) Work.
4) Meet up with Denis and the kids to go to dinner and catch a children’s play at Imaginon at 7:30 p.m.

And Saturday won’t be much better – I have to make THREE custom blankets this weekend and get them ready for shipping/pickup by Monday. I was hoping to work some OT this weekend, but the kibosh has been put on any OT since there has been a slowdown for other admins in the office. And “extra” work goes to those admins. That sucks because I’d really rather do it myself – not just for the extra money but so that it gets done correctly.

Sunday I’ll be at church most of the morning getting trained on the video equipment AND working in the toddler room. Then we’re dropping off the kids at church babysitting for the afternoon to go catch a movie (most likely “The Day The Earth Stood Still”). That night whatever blankets I don’t get done I’ll do that night.

Add in that I have a LOT of Amazon boxes stashed around the house that are holding presents that need to be wrapped and phew – I get tired just thinking about it!

As for my earlier rant, rest assured that today was a better day and by the afternoon we were back to clicking on all cylinders – a nice return to normal from the rest of the week!

Okay, I’m off to bed.