Busy Couple of Days

It’s been a busy couple of days. Yesterday I spent most of the day running around like a chicken with her head cut off. Since I’m now sitting over in the finance area while they recarpet and de-wallpaper my section of the building, I’m all discombulated and did a fair amount of walking from my new area to my old area where my bosses still inhabit their offices.

Late in the day yesterday Mr. Russell opted to NOT go to Atlanta today for a meeting, and will go tomorrow instead. Fortunately, he has left me alone for the most part. I say fortunately mainly because Mr. Sutherland came to me yesterday and asked when his database would be done. He then proceeded to give me a new category to add to the database, thus prolonging the project even further because I have to DOUBLEBACK through all 300 contacts. I told him the more changes he requested the longer it’ll take, and he laughed and said, “You told me you’d be done in two days!” I said, “That was before I realized all those files you sent me were basically empty!”

I also have to do another round of expenses for Mr. Russell, but that shouldn’t be so bad.

This database stuff is mindnumbing though. I take periodic breaks to read the headlines or catch up with a blog, but for the most part I’m spending the bulk of my day at corporate websites trying to get their addresses and telephone numbers. :thud:

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