Bosses Out – Hope To Get Stuff Done

I have a long list of things that have to get done today while my bosses are out of the office.

For Mr. Sutherland:
1) Finalize Xmas Card list and get mail merge done I got the lists combined but I need to get addresses for about 30 names. Then that’ll be done.
2) Finish contact database and get ready for import I got the bulk of this done then realized I left off about 40 banks from the list. The names have been added but tomorrow I need to get the contact info – then this list is DONE DONE DONE!
3) Finalize webcast announcement and email out
4) Create new tables for one-sheet promotion
5) Get him registered for a conference taking place next week
6) Mail signature pages from document

For Mr. Russell:
1) Finish financial illustrations for a client
2) Finish expenses
3) Get The Company registered for a booth at a conference coming up
4) Order new tchotchkes to give away at aforementioned conference

Long day. I’ve been working on the database this morning – I only have about 35 more companies to look up, and then I have to double back through half the entries and add web addresses and also add in the categories for every contact. I hope to be done with this by lunchtime so that I can do expenses after lunch and then get Mr. Russell’s illustrations done.

Update at 2:28 p.m.: As you can see I’ve gotten quite a few things knocked off the list. I haven’t had lunch yet. I’ll probably not have anything at this late point in the day. That’s two days out of three that I haven’t had lunch at work. Nice diet! *lol*

I took a break from the database in order to cross stuff off the list. I’m now going to go back to the database and try to get that as close to finished as I can. This way when my bosses come back tomorrow I can say, “Look at all the things I got done without you two pestering me!”