Blogging for Bills

On October 9, I was approved to blog for Pay Per Post in an attempt to make a little extra money on the web. I’ve done other things as well in an attempt to make some money – Google AdSense, Epinions reviews, Amazon Associates, Bluehost Affiliate program. And for the most part I’ve done okay with those things. But I signed up for PPP to step it up a notch. The other revenue-generators help pay for my annual hosting service and domains for the various websites I maintain, but I signed up for PPP with the intent of paying off my debt more quickly.

I said from the get-go that I would *try* to blog only about things I was genuinely interested in, as opposed to anything and everything under the sun. And I feel I’ve mostly lived up to that expectation, by picking things that I would actually (and have in some cases already) talked about on this blog since it’s inception in April 2002. Only on rare occasions did I blog about something that didn’t quite mesh.

From October 9 – 31, I published 120 posts. That’s not even for a full month – that’s ONLY from October 9 when I was accepted into the PPP program to the end of the month. Of those 120 posts, only 30 were PPP-related posts. From those posts, I’m due about $275 and some change, with payments due to begin around November 12 (payments are made 30 days after the post is made).

My intent is to keep on with PPP until my Discover card is paid off (next summer?), and at that time I’ll re-evaluate and decide whether I should continue on with it to address another debt to pay off. In any event, I’m quite pleased with PPP and how I have been able to merge those posts into the rest of the content here at this website.

I know some of my regular readers have said that they don’t like the paid posts appearing here, but I’ve also adjusted my blog so that all PPPs are properly marked as such in the category, and also have my feed set up so that readers of my feed do NOT see the PPPs. If you are here from a feedreader and you HAVE been seeing the PPP, then I suggest you delete the feed address you currently use and grab the new code I have installed so that you don’t see them.

In any event, I can’t wait to see what results I have for November, when I have a full month for earnings as opposed to just 22 days.