Blogathon Monitoring

The Blogathon monitoring is fun. I have about 25-30 blogs that I’m monitoring, covering a wide variety of charities. Because of my computer issues I haven’t even finished visiting all of them to say good morning! And now CootieBoy, my 3-yr-old (for those that haven’t been here before) is back, wearing my shoes, asking what I’m doing.

And I just realized I haven’t even had BREAKFAST yet.

Blogathon 2007 – the new diet.

04 comments on “Blogathon Monitoring

  • gwynne , Direct link to comment

    Good morning, Jaynee! I’ve been trying to go to the sponsor link at (two different computers now) and the page won’t come up…are they having difficulties, do you know? Good luck!!

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Someone at my office had that problem. Hit “refresh” and it should come up. If not, let me know. I haven’t had any problems loading it up, but I do know it is probably running slower due to the high traffic.

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