Thanks to Lila and Bev I’m now up to $125 in sponsorships for the Blogathon that starts tomorrow morning. That also equals 25 cans of pet food that I’ll be donating to my local animal shelter! That’s awesome!
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Blogathon 2005
So yes, after some discussion with my sister today I’ve decided to participate in this year’s Blogathon. I did it a couple years ago with some success (about $250 in donations), so I thought I’d try it again. Can I do an all-nighter? Only time will tell, but I’ll certainly try.
This time I’m just going to do it at this blog – no separate blog just for the blogathon. That was too much work and my attempt at a “themed” blog for animals (since the charity was for animal welfare) kind of petered out after a few hours and I ended up just talking about other participants and THEIR themed blogs.
Don’t know what I’ll do to help stay away for 24 hours – maybe I’ll hook up the DVD player in the attic and watch Buffy and Alias and Angel episodes. We’ll see. In any case, this year’s charity is Heifer International, a great charity that I gave money to during Blogathon 2003. Your money goes directly to buy specific things that needy countries require – whether you buy a cow to help provide milk or wheat to help provide food. Either way, I like how the website lets you decide what your money will go towards. And if you donate enough money they send you free gifts as a thank you (we got stuffed animals, calendars, and coffee mugs just to name a few things).
What is a Blogathon?
It’s a commitment by bloggers all over the world to post to their blog every 30 minutes for 24 hours. Sponsors donate money to those commited to posting every 30/24.
So the banner up there is active and goes to my specific sponsor page. Whether you sponsor $1, $5, $20 or $100 – all of it goes to Heifer because once the Blogathon is over you are asked to go DIRECTLY to Heifer to give your money. It doesn’t come to me at all. That’s a no lose situation in my opinion. So click on the banner and sign up to sponsor me and support Heifer International – no money up front.
And on Saturday, August 6th at 9:00 AM EST I will begin my 24-hour stint as a raving lunatic deprived of way too much sleep. Can’t wait!
02 comments on “Blogathon 2005”
, Direct link to comment I’m glad you decided to do it. And thanks for the pledge to IJM.
We’ll have to IM in the wee hours to keep each other awake.
, Direct link to comment Blogathon
Blogathon 2005 is on August 6. During the blogathon people pledge to blog every 30 minutes for 24 hours for a charity of their choice. Cootiehog will be updated every 30 minutes and the proceeds will go to Heifer International. Heifer is my favorite…
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That’s great! :w00t:
:cheer: Hooray! How are you getting ready for the blogathon? Doing some stretches, preparing a chore list, drugging the children…?
I know it’s in a few hours, but still…24 hours awake is tough!!
PJ – 24 hours awake is even tougher when you haven’t gotten a lot of sleep during the week due to a sick child! I predict I’ll be a complete mess by 2 a.m. tomorrow night! *lol*