Yet another update about Blogathon 2003, which is this weekend. I’m still participating, and still hoping that some of my regulars will check it out and sponsor me a few bucks for this worthy charity.
I’ve decided that during my 24-hour blogathon I should talk about something related to the charity – and so for 24 hours I’ll be talking about animals in need as well as animals we love. I’ll provide information about shelters, ASPCA, how to keep your animals safe and healthy, the pleasures of owning pets, unusual pets – you name it, I’ll write about it.
Any particular animal-related topics you might want to see me discuss? Want me to post a picture of your favorite cat or dog? Send ’em my way and I’ll see what I can do!
But in the meantime, click on the logo at the top of this page and agree to sponsor me – I’d love to break the $100 barrier, but with four days to go I don’t know if that’ll be possible. But here’s hoping!
I think my ten-spot contribution pushed you over the $100 mark, babe! I’m proud. Thanks again for giving to my Blogathon charity.
I’ve also sent you a couple of photos of my office pet.
Our themes are very similar, which means you must be a kick a$$ individual (as most animal lovers are). I will be following your progress for sure!
Good luck!