Today’s the first day in over week that I can breathe without the assistance of a squirt of antihistimine up my nose in the morning. What caused the sudden change?
A 10+ degree drop in daily temperatures.
In other news, CootieBoy was cranky this morning. As I went to get him dressed his arms and back were very warm. I put my hand on his forehead just as his face crinkled and he wailed, “Mama, I’m hot!” I took his temp and it was 100.1.
I couldn’t do anything about it since we were running VERY late (CootieGirl wet her sheets before she got up this morning and was so covered in urine that it required a quick shower before she could get dressed), so I just kissed him, gave him a cold drink, bribed him into taking his staph infection medicine, and away we went to school.
I have his shot records here at work – ready to send over to the Firm’s Sniffles program wherein a local hospital will take care of your sick kids if they can’t go to daycare. I’m waiting to get the form from HR so that I can fax this stuff right over in case I get a call from daycare saying he needs to be picked up this afternoon.
Also, I let him take that yellow pillow that I made last night to school with him this morning. He LOVED IT when CootieGirl showed it to him. I also let him take two Candy Corn flavored Hershey’s Kisses with him as payment for taking his medicine. Poor kid – I wish it was Friday so I could just cuddle with him all day tomorrow.