Tomorrow is CootieGirl’s fifth birthday. FIFTH BIRTHDAY! Wow – that’s crazy. She is growing up FAST. Last night I popped into a grocery store to pick up some lettuce for the salad I planned on having for dinner, and went ahead and ordered the cake we’ll be taking to LifeGroup on Sunday. It’s a Hello Kitty cake. The picture here is a close approximation of the cake she will be getting on Sunday. She has many interests right now like Barbies, Disney Princesses, and other things. But the Hello Kitty cake 1) fit the budget, 2) came with Hello Kitty jewelry, and 3) has a HK bubble blower as a topper. In my mind that means “success!”
Tonight we plan on calling the parents of one of her friends from the old daycare to see if the little girl can spend the night on Saturday night. Since they go to our church we can just bring the little girl to church on Sunday and hand her back over to her ‘rents.
Denis wrapped up the gifts last night – she has a lot, but fortunately we bought them all very cheaply. And we also opted to hold one back for a Christmas gift. If/When CG cries about not having a big party (which she requested but we could never get around to coordinating) I plan on telling her that the Disney trip in 30 days is essentially a REALLY LONG party albeit not *just* for her birthday.
Also, tonight after the kids go to bed I’ll be making a small cake just for us to enjoy tomorrow night.
She was born sometime after 3 a.m. in the morning. Think I should wake her up in the middle of the night to say ‘Happy Birthday’ like my mom does to me (she usually calls me right at 9:21 a.m. and starts the phone call saying, “[#] years ago I was in labor…”)?
Just to clarify what a “lot of gifts” is. I bought seven things for her. One doll (Easter Barbie 75% off, which was supposed to be given to her next Easter, but I figured it goes with the next two items), two doll house related sets, one jump rope, one computer learning game, one High School Musical microphone (which was supposed to be given to another kid for their birthday), and a princess game cartridge for the “exercise” bike we bought for them this past Christmas.
Yeah, that’s a lot. *lol* She’s only FIVE. And she’s also getting other gifts from family members to open tonight as well – she’ll be inundated! I’m not knocking you – after all ,I know they were all bought for low prices.