Bees Aplenty

With the weather being so gorgeous in the past week, and with the flowers in amazing bloom and everything greening up, we’ve noticed something.

We have a LOT of bees around our house. And not just any bees, but BIG bees that are probably about 2″ long. Scary bees that just hover and hover and hover. We have them all over one side of our house in particular, and the backyard. Which sucks because I really wanted the kids to be able to play in the sandbox in the backyard, but if we’re going to be Bee Central then I don’t want them out there. So the sandbox may get moved to the garage during the spring and summer if they continue.

Yesterday when I got home from work I was “trapped” in my car for a good ten minutes because two of those suckers were buzzing around my car door and I REFUSED to get out. Finally I bit the bullet and made a run for it, but I was scared about those things landing on me. They are MASSIVE.

05 comments on “Bees Aplenty

  • kbf , Direct link to comment

    I wonder if they could be wood bees? We’re starting to see a lot of them here, too. They’re not a full 2″, but they’re big and they do hover. They’ll bore holes in your house, but if the old-timers who told me about them are right, they don’t have stingers.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    That’s EXACTLY what they are, kbf! Thanks for that info – I’ll be calling a pest guy to come out and treat for those. And from what I just read, the MALES don’t have stingers, and those are the ones that hover. The females DO have stingers but they primarily just forage for food. Gross.

  • Tara , Direct link to comment

    For some reason this made me think of the car accident you got into when you and D were going out for your anniversary. Didn’t you think there was a bee in the car?

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Tara – yes I did! That’s actually one of the first posts ever to appear at Cootiehog as it happened right after I bought the domain name!

  • Tara , Direct link to comment

    OK clearly I need to get out more if I am remembering one of the first posts on the hog LOL!!!

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