Bad Morning Mojo

Everything seemed like it would go right this morning. I woke up a few minutes early and got my shower. Suddenly the morning sped up and next thing I know I have 10 minutes to get CootieBoy dressed and out the door (CootieGirl was already by that point).

He woke up in a terrible mood and did NOT want to help me in any way. I had to undress and re-dress a tantruming young man who was kicking and pinching the entire time. Virtue, thy name is Patience. And mine ran out when he refused to put on socks. So I escorted CootieGirl out of the room after turning off the TV and all the lights, which infuriated CootieBoy. But I was over it, so I went downstairs and didn’t even play the game with him. I found CootieGirl’s shoes and had her put those on while I grabbed a couple grocery bags to carry stuff to work.

CootieBoy ventured out from upstairs and with many sniffles asked for his socks and shoes. I told him to come down, and he asked me to “help”. I went to the top of the stairs and he all but threw himself into my arms and buried his snotty nose in my neck. Nice. Sat him on the bottom of the steps and quickly got on his socks and shoes and away we went to daycare.

Dropoff went well – no drama, except a brief conversation with CootieGirl’s teacher and some behavior modification (won’t go into it here – it’s minor). Headed for work only to get stopped in a traffic jam at exit 3 on I-77. A traffic jam so mighty that I was able to put on ALL of my makeup without releasing the brake a single time. Yep – my car didn’t move for at least ten minutes. Attempted to call Mr. BIL to tell him I’d be late only to find my cellphone had no charge. Finally crawled up to where the accident was to find they were uselessly merging FIVE lanes of traffic into ONE lane, despite the fact that the accident in question was already removed from the road and debris was only in the far left lane.

Pulled into my office parking lot 30 minutes late only to realize I had forgotten my keyfob.

So it has been that kind of day today.

Fortunately, my boss was okay about it (although I haven’t told him I’m leaving early tomorrow to go to the symphony in Columbia).