Bad Bush

I’m blaming Bush for these figures:

“U.S. employers cut jobs in August at the fastest pace since March, the government said in an unexpectedly grim report on Friday showing Americans are struggling to find jobs even as other areas of the economy are recovering.

The number of workers on U.S. payrolls outside the farm sector slid 93,000 in August, the seventh consecutive month of declines, after dropping 49,000 in July. The number was far worse than the increase of 12,000 expected by economists. ”

I will be very surprised if Bush gets re-elected if the economy doesn’t turn around.

02 comments on “Bad Bush

  • Uncle Bill , Direct link to comment

    Actually, I don’t give any president the blame and/or credit for the state of the economy. There’s very little he can do either way. Sure, the Treasury Department can print out more money in slack times and the gov’t can cut taxes, but I believe that any effect is marginal at best. Just as Bill Clinton didn’t create the boom of the nineties, I don’t think G.W. caused the bust of the 2000’s. And I don’t think his tax cuts are going to stimulate a growth phase. The market is gonna have cycles regardless of who is in the White House. But you’re right on one thing – the President will always get the blame in bad times.

  • Denis , Direct link to comment

    Bill, we have this conversation every few weeks here at Cootiehog. You seem to be on the side of the Richards. I just like blaming Bush. There’s enough to blame on G.W., that I don’t have to harp on the economy. *lol*

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