Back To Our Regularly Scheduled Programming

What a weekend. A weekend of flat tires, long drives, calls from our home alarm company, whiny kids, and traffic. But also a weekend of presents, laughter, visits with friends and family, and great food. You take the bad with the good, I suppose.

Highlights of the weekend: Unexpected gifts (especially since I never specifically asked for anything – everything I received was a happy surprise!); visiting Jen in the hospital and seeing that all is well; visiting our old church and having such a wonderful warm reception that really made us remember just how great that church is; visiting with our old neighbors and trying to convince them to move to SC; taking the kids into Manhattan to see the Rockefeller tree.

Lowlights: getting a flat tire on the van when we parked in a Manhattan parking garage; getting to my parents’ house at 11 p.m. that first night; realizing that while our alarm on the house was set correctly, it was going to go off whenever the cats took the staircase up or down; the hotel check-in on Friday night taking almost a full hour as they tried to figure out how to honor my Elite Rewards free night voucher.

The best quote of the weekend came from CootieGirl on Christmas night as she was preparing for bed. She had been very well behaved for most of the day but sometime in the afternoon had a BIG tantrum that required a timeout and me lecturing her on being better about obeying me:

“CootieGirl, did you have a good day?”
“No,” she said sadly.
“Why not?”
“I didn’t listen very well today.”

02 comments on “Back To Our Regularly Scheduled Programming

  • Marmie , Direct link to comment

    We had a GREAT weekend with you all!! Thanks for all the presents, fun, laughs and help in the kitchen! We love you!

  • Jean , Direct link to comment

    I was so bummed to have missed you guys at daycare on Friday! Glad lil CootieGirl at least got to see you (even if he didn’t know who you were!).

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