Back to Normal

Thanks to Denis’ hard work yesterday, our house is officially back to normal. I came home yesterday and all the Christmas decorations were packed away except for the actual tree. Last night after the kids were in bed we quickly boxed that up and put our furniture back in it’s rightful place.

I also colored my hair last night – it’s a nice fiery red. VERY bright right now, but I assured my boss that in a week it will calm down and be a more normal color. When CootieBoy first saw me this morning his eyes were like saucers – he just stared at my hair for a few seconds before I finally spoke – then he grinned and laid his head on my shoulder. Very cute.

I have one more load of laundry to do and that’ll be done. It’s perpetual – just when I finish doing it, two more loads pop up. It’s maddening.

Back To Normal

So today things are a bit back to normal. I have the day off, so Denis and I are hoping to go see a movie this afternoon if we can agree on something to see. We spent yesterday at Denis’ mom’s place in Queens – the kids had a great time but we were exhausted by the time dinner ended. And since the kids were so obviously sleep-deprived (and thus extremely cranky) we pretty much beat feet as soon as dinner was over and came back home. The kids were asleep within five minutes of getting in the car.

Santa was kind to our family this year – the kids got a lot of great gifts, including clothes (yay!) and toys galore. The biggest hits? The Cinderella tea set from Marmie and the Winnie the Pooh “sofa” from us. Yesterday morning CootieGirl and Denis had a tea party on the sofa (which pulls out into a bed) while CootieBoy opted to throw all the tea stuff around the room (to CootieGirl’s horror).

Our house is a mess, but who cares? Tis still the Christmas season and we won’t worry about it until we get back from Virginia next weekend.