CootieBoy is back at school today. He had a good night for the most part – some coughing here and there. Last night when I got home from work I was able to cajol him into eating one of the fever-reducing chewables since he was feeling hot. It only took about ten minutes, and promises of cookies and Nemo vitamins (which he loves).
This morning he was in a decent mood except for a small outburst when Denis wouldn’t give him milk with his cereal. Once I poured cereal in his bowl he calmed back down and was fine the rest of the morning. To make sure he didn’t have the fever return while he was at school today, I had him eat one more chewable Tylenol this morning – it only took five minutes to convince him to eat it this time, and no promises of cookies or Nemo needed. I only had to say, “This is the LAST ONE, CootieBoy – no more after this, I promise,” and he put it in his mouth and chewed it up.
You do realize that kids are very smart and the next time he gets sick
or has a fever and you try to cram one of those pills down his throat,
he will look at you and say “You said Last One, You Promised” then where
will you be. LOL
I should clarify that I did at some point say something about “this time around” so that I couldn’t be called a liar later on.
Ahhhh hahahaha!
I would have given him the milk in the cereal but he was sitting in one of the un-spoiled chairs and not his own and I gave him two options, move to his chair and get milk or stay in the one he was in and get no milk. He didn’t like those options.
Yeah, after you left the kitchen he crawled up into his chair like he knows he should.