Arg…Losing Track of Time

I’m working on my posts at my art website (yes, I’m blogging for Blogathon there as well). You are allowed to pre-write posts once the Blogathon has started, and since I’m featuring Etsy crafters, it takes a long time to write up the posts and include pictures of items from the seller’s shop. So I’ve been working feverishly to get all the posts done so that all I have to do is plug in the pictures when the time comes and hit “post”. It’s painstaking work but I’ve got posts through 5:00 a.m. done except for the pictures I’ll use. I’ve got at least another ten to write up since I planned on featuring one every 20 minutes on that site.

And since I’m concentrating on that I’m losing track of time and forgot to post over here on time. ARG! And I also posted late on my monitor website where I’m required to post. I was supposed to post there at 1:30 a.m. and didn’t quite make it in time, even though I did eventually get a post up there.

And now that we’re in the early morning hours I have no idea if anyone is even reading those blog anymore. *lol* So if you are out there, can you give me a shoutout so I know I’m not posting in vain?

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