Anything Done Yet?

I got confirmation that my SalesLogix training will be Thursday and Friday – yay!

I got A-E done of the business cards today.

I ended up reading about 70 pages of Harry Potter because I had to cover the front desk for a couple of hours. It’s getting better. Slowly.

I’ve typed up only 4 call reports today. Tomorrow I hope to get 10 done, if possible.

I was talking with the gals from HR and told them that since my guys were out I was considering coming in early so as to leave early and both of them were in agreement that I should do it. So, tomorrow I’ll leave my house at 7:30 a.m. instead of 8:00 a.m., and will leave work around 4:30 p.m. This will put me home by 5:15 p.m. every day this week! Nice!

In other news I finally got all my documentation together for moving my old company’s 401K over to The Company. So I’ll make copies of that tomorrow morning and get it out in the mail. Then I just have to wait for the statement from my retirement plan from an even older company and I’ll move that over too – no sense in having all my money in 4 different places when I can have it in one. I also plan on moving my Fidelity IRA into the 401K as well, but I’ll do that last.