This is for my sister-in-law. The truth must be heard!
P.S., I think I’m starting my own blog so I don’t have to answer to Jaynee any more.
This is for my sister-in-law. The truth must be heard!
P.S., I think I’m starting my own blog so I don’t have to answer to Jaynee any more.
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Are you serious? You consider ANDY ROONEY to be a hard-hitting journalist interested in reporting the facts? Hardly.
And did you really just call my sister a pinko commie? Can’t you just post your link without the namecalling?
And lastly, she hasn’t posted anything remotely political since October 2 (yes, I looked) and even that was a scathing response **against** Mark Foley’s actions while in office.
Pinko-commie was a joke. Obviously it wasn’t humorous to you. I’ll take it back. Of course, you’re sister isn’t a pinko-commie. She’s the exact opposite.
No, I knew you were kidding about the pinko-commie thing. You didn’t have to remove it. I didn’t ask you to. I need to add smilies back into Cootiehog so I could add in the proper inflection in my posts. Then you would have seen my “roll eyes” smilie after my second comment. No need to get defensive – I don’t expect you to answer to me on this blog since it does belong to BOTH of us.
Just so you know, “Can’t you just post your link without the namecalling?” is provoking. It’s just no fun posting over here anymore. I’ll keep reading Cootiehog but I’ll make another home for my own meanderings, thank you,
Well let’s agree to disagree on this one and sorry if I made you feel unwelcomed on the family blog – that isn’t my intent in ANY way, as I told you yesterday afternoon. But obviously since you posted your response last night you didn’t believe me. *insert “shrug” icon here to indicate I can’t do anything right by my husband* If it makes you feel any better, here are the smilies I would have used if I had them readily available:
And did you really just call my sister a pinko commie?
Can’t you just post your link without the namecalling? 
Also, I can’t seem to get the last word on this site ever either. LOL Have fun. Was that an “I’m just joking” “I can’t do anything right by my husband” or are you serious? I didn’t see any smilies attached.
I’m in a catch-22 here – if I respond then I’m not letting you have the last word, but you asked me a question that probably deserves a response…
That was a joke, by the way.
As for the “can’t do anything right” thing, it was mostly a joke.
Is this the 21st Century method for married couples to argue?
lol – yes, it is. It forces us to be polite about it. =)
It is Tuesday morning and I’m just now seeing this post and comment thread. Hilarious.
Denis, I would have known you were joking about the pinko-commie thing since it is clear that I am the exact opposite.
We’re just going to have to agree to disagree about most things political.