Answer Today’s Friday Five Questions for October 25

The Friday Five for October 25, 2019 (leave your own answers in the comments below!):

  1. Would you rather be the fella in a movie who gets the girl or the baddie with all the good lines?
  2. Do you bite your nails?
  3. Have you ever stolen anything?
  4. Who was your first teacher? (that you remember)?
  5. Do you always wear identical socks?

As for me:

  1. Would you rather be the hero in a movie who “gets the girl/guy” in the end or the baddie with all the good lines? Hero, every time.  Even heroes get the good lines nowadays.
  2. Do you bite your nails? Nope.  I have never had that habit.  My son has that habit, though.
  3. Have you ever stolen anything? Yes, in college I stole a single tube of lipstick from a WalMart.  No idea why – it wasn’t even a good color that I would wear.  I think it was just the challenge of whether I could get away with it.  So dumb.
  4. Who was your first teacher (that you remember)? Ms. Guildin, my third grade teacher.  She was a mean old witch. Although “old” is relative – she was probably only in her late 30s at the time.
  5. Do you always wear identical socks? Yes, my socks always match.  My daughter, however, has not voluntarily worn matching socks in a few years.  For a while she deliberately wore different shoes as well (usually mix/matching her Converse sneakers (she has 8-9 pairs)).

What about you? Time to answer these softball questions and help me get to know you! Comment below…

09 comments on “Answer Today’s Friday Five Questions for October 25

  • NanP , Direct link to comment

    Would you rather be the fella in a movie who gets the girl or the baddie with all the good lines? – I think the bad guy because it plays against my natural inclinations. Would be fun, I think.
    Do you bite your nails? Nope. Never have.
    Have you ever stolen anything? A candy bar when I was a kid just to see what it felt like. I felt so guilty I snuck it back.
    Who was your first teacher? (that you remember)? I remember a lot of my teachers but perhaps my most memorable was Mrs. Vicedomini. That’s probably not how it’s spelled, though. My high school Spanish teacher. A real character.
    Do you always wear identical socks? Yup.

    • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

      Nan, you snuck the candy bar back into the store? I wouldn’t have had that kind of self-control! Kudos to you! *lol*

      • Sherri , Direct link to comment

        Ok, I can’t resist….was it snuck back in by way of being in your stomach?!😃

        • NanP , Direct link to comment

          That would have been far less nerve-wracking! I was so scared I get caught returning it and how would I explain that I wasn’t stealing it because I already stole it and was now trying to bring it back?

  • Marsha , Direct link to comment

    1. The guy who gets the girl … or the girl who gets the guy. 😉 2. No nail biting ’cause I have kept them polished since I can remember. 3. Never stolen anything. 4. Third grade, Mrs. Hart 4. Only identical socks.

  • Sherri , Direct link to comment

    1. The guy who gets the girl.
    2. No, never have.
    3. Yes. I was 13 and really wanted this shirt
    that was in drug fair – yes, they did have
    some clothes. We were getting last minute
    items before leaving for Berlin the next day.
    Mom said no, I was heart broken – it was
    such a cool shirt. I don’t know why I did it!
    Confessed on my polygraph. They laughed.
    4. My first grade teacher was Miss Moore.
    Young and very nice.
    5. Of course! Who doesn’t! 😄


    • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

      Sherri – that’s awesome that the polygraph team laughed when you admitted to stealing a shirt at 13 years old.

      • Sherri , Direct link to comment

        I guess they wanted to hear about any current, adult stuff. His comment was, “anything else?” Truth was I never wore that shirt much. It was like “stolen” was written across the front every time I looked at it.

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