Answer Today’s Friday Five Questions for August 23

Back in 2002 when I first started blogging (yep, I’ve been at it for over 17 years) I did a thing called “The Friday Five” wherein I answered five random (but sometimes themed) questions every Friday.  It was always fun to look at other blogs that participated and see their answers.  I’d love to start that same thing here at Cootiehog, and I encourage you all to comment below with your answers!  Over the past six months readership at Cootiehog has increased exponentially and I’d love to hear from some of you!

Without further ado, the Friday Five for August 23, 2019:

  1. Where are you from?
  2. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
  3. How many pillows are on your bed?
  4. If you could live anywhere, where would that be?
  5. Assuming you have Tivo/DVR, what was the last thing you recorded?

Please do answer below – it won’t be any fun if no one shares and it’s only me playing the game!

As for me:

  1. Where are you from? I was born in Washington State on Whidbey Island, which is home to a lot of Navy military personnel.  My dad was in the Navy and we were stationed there twice – once at the time I was born and again when I was in fourth through 1/2 of seventh grade.  Having said that, I don’t know if I can honestly say I’m “from” there.  Most times when people ask me where I’m from, my answer is “we moved here from New Jersey.”  Military kids aren’t able to definitively answer the “Where are you from? question.
  2. How many pairs of shoes do you own? I technically own about 7-8, but I really only wear/use four of them.  For work I have one black, one blue and one brown – all clogs.  Those are really my everyday shoes.  I also own two pairs of flip flops although my daughter claimed one pair as hers.  Lastly, I have three pairs of running shoes – all the same make/model (Brooks Ghost 5).  I only wear those when I start up with a gym/walking routine (which I haven’t done for a while).
  3. How many pillows are on your bed? Denis and I have three pillows and two sham pillows on our bed.  My son has 5-6 pillows on his bed, and my daughter also has at least 4-5.  Our guest room has two pillows, two sham pillows and one decorative pillow.
  4. If you could live anywhere, where would that be? If I could live anywhere, I’d probably choose Amsterdam.  That city delighted me when Denis and I visited in the late 1990s.  It’s probably a lot different now, but the Amsterdam of 1999 was a dream city – small, but urban, and completely walker friendly.
  5. Assuming you have Tivo/DVR, what was the last thing you recorded? The last thing I recorded was last night’s episode of my favorite guilty pleasure tv show, “Big Brother.”  Even though I watch my shows the same night they air, the way I watch TV is to record a show and then begin watching it once it’s 15-20 minutes in so I can skip the commercials.  I very rarely watch “live” tv anymore.

What about you? Time to answer these softball questions and help me get to know you! Comment below…