The kids were much better last night. This time I planned ahead – I left enough time to get to daycare before they closed. Picked them up at 6 p.m. on the dot. We headed to the grocery store, where I bought milk (for me) and Quik (for CootieBoy). He had a minor meltdown when I wanted him to keep the Quik in the bag to leave the store – he wanted to carry it in his hands. I offered to give the Quik back to the store (even moving towards the checkout girl with the bag held out to her) and he quickly stopped crying, ran to my side and took the bag. Yes, many people stared and probably clucked their tongues as CootieBoy threw himself to the ground, thinking, “I would never let MY child act like that!” Whatever. In any event, I got him to behave within 30 seconds of his tantrum starting without ever raising my voice so I felt it went well.
Upon arriving home they each got to make their cup of milk (pink for CootieGirl, chocolate for CootieBoy). We then played for a bit and waited. At 7:20 p.m. our doorbell rang and there was our Papa John’s delivery man with our pizza. I had ordered it while I was at work – you can arrange for special delivery times which ROCKS. The only mishap – I forgot that when the doorbell rang I was actually on the phone with Denis, and put down the active phone to get the pizza. I then got the kids all settled in with the pizza and sat down to have a slice – it was only then (about ten minutes later) that I remembered that I had been on the phone with Denis!!! I ran over to the phone to find he had (smartly) hung up on me. *lol*
After dinner the kids alternated between watching tv and playing with toys (there was a LOT of giggling last night while they played together, which was awesome). Around 8:30 p.m. I finally corralled them upstairs to get ready for bed. They were better going down last night – CootieBoy still wanted me to stay longer than usual, but he didn’t CRY when I left the room to put CootieGirl to bed.
The night was mine – I surfed the net for a while, surfed the tv for a while, and then fell asleep on the sofa. Woke up at midnight when I heard CootieBoy crying upstairs. That’s the first time he has woken up in the middle of the night in a LONG time. I laid down with him and promptly fell asleep, waking up about two hours later. I went downstairs and turned everything off then went to my room and passed out.
Woke up early this morning and found that one (or two) of the cats had puked ALL OVER THE HOUSE. When I say all over, I mean all over. Foyer, hallway, by the back door, tv room, upper hallway, master bedroom, master bathroom. Little bits everywhere. I wasn’t there when I went up to help CootieBoy and don’t recall it being there when I turned off all the lights a couple hours later (unless I just got lucky dodging the landmines). So I got up the bigger stains this morning and will do the smaller ones tonight. I just didn’t have time this morning since I also had to make lunches for the kids, take out the garbage for trash pickup, empty and load the dishwasher, and get myself and the kid ready for the day. I was supposed to do all that stuff last night but the whole “fall asleep on the couch” thing kind of got in the way.
Tonight will be a long night – music practice til 9 p.m., washing the sheets in the guest bedroom in advance of my mother’s arrival tomorrow night, and general cleaning. I also have to try and get my co-worker’s blanket done tonight if the fabric arrives today. The baby shower is Saturday and she’s anxious to have the blanket in hand.
Long boring post about nothing, wasn’t it?
I wasn’t bored at all! In fact, I’m fascinated by the descriptions of toddler behavior. The fact that CootieBoy stopped his tantrum within 30 seconds is impressive because it means one thing: he believed you. But I can (nearly) guarantee you that the first time you actually have to walk back to the clerk and hand her the Quik (or whatever) and walk out without it, little guy screaming all the way, that will be the last time he ever tries it! His belief in what you say will be solidified and it won’t be worth risking again
[And those who say their kid would never do that haven’t had kids LOL]