Another Granddad Update

My mom emailed me to say that she plans on going in today to visit her dad in the hospital. You may recall he was readmitted a couple days ago with congestive heart failure again. Now the doctors are saying that it’s possible that he suffered to mild strokes as well.

My mom said that my step-grandmother seemed a bit more nervous this time around whereas a few weeks ago she was very confident he’d recover. That can’t be a good sign because I don’t think I’ve ever seen/heard Virginia be worried about anything in the few years I’ve known her.

02 comments on “Another Granddad Update

  • Marmie , Direct link to comment

    It’s amazing what a difference a day makes. Granddad’s doctor said he is doing remarkably better today. Even though he was confused and combative, his vitals were reasonably good. They are still working on relieving the fluid buildup around the heart. He may be moved to a private room tomorrow. This spunky guy isn’t ready to give up quite yet!

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