Another Busy Non-Boss Day

I had a nice leisurely morning finishing the laundry, taking the kids to daycare and then attempting to get our estate planning docs witnessed and notarized. Didn’t happen. And even though the Internet claims that those docs don’t have to be notarized, I asked a lady here at work who confirmed that YES, they do have to be notarized in SC. So it’s a no go on getting those things done on our own.

Upon arriving for work I’ve been actively trying to reduce my to-do list as much as possible so that when Mr. BIL arrives tonight we can crank out the items on the list that have been sitting the longest. This way he can have a relatively clean slate when he returns to the office on Monday.

In other work-related news. Remember Miz L? The woman I attempted to raise money for to save her house? Well, I’ve been dealing a lot with her recently. Her home was supposed to be sold this coming Monday, and at the last minute she made an agreement with the loan company and got them a small downpayment on the money owed. So she gets to keep her house for a few months more until she can’t afford the mortgage once again. I did meet one of her “no account grandsons” yesterday and he actually seemed very nice and helpful, although I don’t know if that was just for show since he was in an office building dealing with an attorney’s secretary. In any event, it was nice to be able to put Miz L’s folder in the cabinets today knowing I won’t have to worry about it again for a few months.

03 comments on “Another Busy Non-Boss Day

  • amy , Direct link to comment

    o yay, great news about Miz L. glad she’s still there for a little while.

  • Cristan , Direct link to comment

    Non-related to this post: but if you see weird stats today, it’s because I’m trying to teach myself CSS by nosing around in other people’s sites. (Yours included). This sucks.

    Have a wonderful trip to Scotland!

    Harriet Michaels: Do you actually like haggis?
    Charlie Mackenzie: No, I think it’s repellent in every way. In fact, I think most Scottish cuisine is based on a dare.
    –“So I Married an Axe Murderer”

  • bev , Direct link to comment

    That is great news about Miz L. So strange, I just thought about her yesterday and wondered what had happened! Hope you guys have an awesome trip!

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