Today begins my mega-Lent. Seriously. I’m insane.
1) No chocolate. I’ve already been feeming for chocolate. I really am addicted. I went 30 days with no chocolate fine (the first few days were rough), but I’ve been overdoing the chocolate recently and I know today is going to be HARD (I’m already craving for my 10:30 a.m. hot cocoa!)
2) No eating out. This one won’t be so bad – the incentive of saving money wins out over a desire for BBQ or a roast beef wrap sandwich. Although I am missing out on a birthday lunch for a co-worker today.
3) Drink 64 fl oz of water a day. I’ve been averaging 50 fl oz for the past couple of weeks, and will have to step it up now. It’s HARD though. Especially when I get busy at work and just have no time to get up and refill my mug when it gets empty.
4) No eating after 9:45 p.m. Now that I’ve added 15 minutes to this one it won’t be that bad. Tonight I’ll be making a double batch of tapioca pudding.
OH DANG! I JUST REMEMBERED! I had some leftover Oreo Truffles that I was going to enjoy last night. Blerg….guess I’ll be “forcing” the kids to eat them over the next few days.
5) Exercise 3x a week. This one I KNOW is going to be hard. My mission is to get up 30 minutes earlier than I do now in order to do a workout tape downstairs. This actually will be beneficial in two ways: a) I get exercise, b) I get used to getting up early NOW in preparation for a future 30-day commitment wherein I get up at 6:30 a.m. every day, regardless of whether it’s a workday or a weekend.
How about you – are you giving up anything for Lent this year?
No need to force the kids to eat the Truffles, put them in the freezer!!!
My morning cappuccino muffin, which I missed DREADFULLY this morning. I still have my Cappuccino each morning, but without that delightful muffin … *sigh*
Yeah, you don’t need to force those on the kids. They will keep. They have plenty of treats to hold them over when they deserve them.
i saw someone turned off her comments for lent! i was shocked! that’s HUGE!
ali’s last blog post..wimps?clibamas?and fingers in boxes
Ali – that IS huge – I don’t know that I’d do it. I rely on that feedback from comments to know that people are actually READING the blog!! She must be VERY comfortable in her readership to turn off comments.
Yes. I’m giving up dieting.
Cathi’s last blog post..Super Tuesday postlude