And It Started Out So Productively….

So yeah, all the stuff I have ready for Mr. BIL to take care of before that meeting? NOT DONE. *sigh*

He left for an early lunch appointment and didn’t get back until just before his 2 p.m. meeting. That 2 p.m. meeting was only supposed to last 90 minutes, but yet it is now 4:23 p.m. and it’s still going on.

His off-site meeting started at 4:00 p.m.

He just called from a conference room and said, “I promise I’ll get up with you before I leave for the other meeting,” but it doesn’t sound like he’ll be done downstairs anytime soon.

I guess I’ll start in on this 8″ high stack of filing, which is my least favorite part of my job. But I’d much prefer to be getting these SIX other projects off my desk.