Today is going to be an exciting day! This morning we have an architect coming to the house to help us figure out the most economical, attractive and functional way to put an addition on the back of our house. The options are (almost) limitless. I have a couple ideas, but will curious to hear what a professional has to say as far as feasibility, cost and whether it will add value to the house (which also needs to be a consideration). Our hope is that we can do the kitchen/breakfast room change at a reasonable cost so that we can potentially also extend the TV room back by five feet in order to put a private guest bath on the second floor so that our guest room will become en suite.
Other activities today include CootieGirl attending a friend’s birthday party, and CootieBoy taking his final horseback riding lesson. He continues to love it and wants to take more lessons, but when I explained that more lessons cost more money (these lessons were “cheap” because they were a deal on Groupon), he said he could wait. *lol*
This week ended on a rough note at work. On Thursday and Friday I was a witch on wheels – every little thing set me off. Hopefully that has come to an end and I’ll be back to my happy, cheery self on Monday.