An Early Night

Mr. BIL left outta here about an hour ago, and I’ve done some billing while he has been gone. I think I’m going to reward myself by leaving a bit early myself. Only 10 minutes early, but hey – early is early.

Today was another fast day – I LOVE fast days. I like getting involved in work and then suddenly looking up and seeing that it’s already 11:30 a.m. Or coming back from lunch and working for a while only to find that it’s 3 p.m. and time for the partner’s birthday party. Or having your boss wave at you when he leaves at 4:45 p.m. and says, “See you tomorrow!” I LOVE those days.

In other news, my girls finally got to see most of the video that we took at the Talent Show last Friday. Weirdly, the video cuts off with about 3 minutes left to go. No idea why since I KNOW the whole thing converted last night. I’ll have to check when I get home and see if somehow the upload I did after the file was created got corrupted. I don’t see how that could be though – because then the entire file wouldn’t work, right? So something must have happened when I converted the movie into a WMV file. So that’s my project for tonight.

Never did make a pumpkin pie with CootieGirl. She didn’t ask about it, I didn’t mention it. We’ll see what happens tonight.