What took them so long to audition??? There’s not a bad one in the
bunch. I can’t WAIT to buy my seat for the concert tour when it hits
Charlotte summer.
Quick recaps this time.
I didn’t see his performance because I didn’t have my Tivo set to
record and I was late coming downstairs after putting CootieBoy to bed
for the night. I only saw the 15 second recap – it looks like typical
Jacob – and as you know, other than his performance two weeks ago, I’m
not much of a fan.
YAY for the bass on stage! I also liked his calm, relaxed, easy-going
performance. This is the Casey I can root for.
In my mind, no one can hold up to Kelly Clarkson’s version of this all
the way back in Season 1. She was OUTSTANDING. However, Lauren
should hold her head up high because she did a nice job.
He nailed it. Absolutely the best of the night.
Um…was it me or did she SMILE her whole way through that song? A
song that is about heartbreak? I hate when singers don’t know what
they are singing about.
Fabulous. He’s right up there with Scotty as far as nailing it every week.
Poor Stefano. He’s so getting the boot this week. It’s not that it
was bad – because it was actually good. It’s just that next to all
these other performances, he can’t hold a candle. He peaked during
the wild card round.
Finally, a REAL uptempo song. And she was good!
I was really worried about Paul. He’s had a couple of rough
performances and seemed like he’d be the Andrew Garcia of this season
(peaking in the first show and being all downhill from there).
However, he was awesome last night. Engaging, fun, entertaining – I
love Paul.
Best of the week: Scotty, James and Paul
Going home: probably Stefano, with Haley in the bottom with him, and
either Paul or Lauren.
At some point, ONLY good people will be in the bottom three – this is
the week that starts to happen more frequently. It’s not that I think
that Paul or Lauren were BAD, I just don’t know if their fan support
is such to keep them in the competition.
I agree 100% with everything you said.
I was worried about Paul when he first started, but I found that I really liked his take. And he’s a natural on stage with the crowd.
Haley did Faith Hill’s version of that song, which sounds upbeat and smiley despite the lyrics. I never liked that version.
I had the same thoughts as Lauren was singing – Kelly Clarkson is the AI standard for that song.
I think this is the best season of AI ever. I wonder if Simon is regretting his move yet?