was a period in the late-80s to mid-90s where he got too cheesy for me
and I stopped buying them). His old stuff is some of the best stuff
in the world (oh how I desperately wished someone would take the
plunge and try to sing “Ticking,” which is my favorite Elton John song
of all time). Alas, they stuck to the Top 40 stuff for the most part.
Scotty McCreery, Song: Country Comfort
Is there any song Scotty can’t turn into a perfect country song?
Seriously. That Elton song worked so perfectly for his voice and
style – he continues to crush his competition.
Naima Adedapo, Song: I’m Still Standing
I didn’t hate the reggae cover. I think she’d the best Elton song to
change into reggae. However, the performance seemed more fake to me
than her past performances. Her dancing from last week and even her
awful Rihanna cover were better than this, mainly because her Jamaica
mon accent was forced and unnatural after hearing her normal voice
during the pre-performance clip.
Paul McDonald, Song: Rocket Man
I love Paul, but I don’t think he’ll last much longer. I love his
sound, but I don’t think he can hold up against his competition for
much longer. I give him 3 more weeks and he’ll be out. Rocket Man is
a great song (I love Robbie Hardkiss’s trance version from the
mid-1990s), but I’m not sure Paul did it justice.
Pia Toscado, Song: Don’t Let The Sun Go Down On Me
Oh Pia, you are an amazing singer, and do ballads REALLY REALLY well,
but I’m over it! There’s a reason I don’t own Celine Dion records and
turn off Mariah when she comes on the radio.
Stefano Langone, Song: Tiny Dancer
Bravo to Stefano finally keeping his eyes open during 90% of the song
AND maintaining eye contact with the camera and audience! I thought
he did a great job. Not my favorite of the night, but a good job.
Lauren Alania, Song: Candle in the Wind
She did a great job and reminded me of a Dixie Chick during this song.
James Durbin, Song: Saturday Night’s All Right
James continues to impress me. The more he just SINGS with an
occasional high note scream, the more I like him. And he is truly a
performer – even moreso than Naima and her dancing. He is all over
the stage, engaging the audience, including pyrotechnics – he’s ready
for the road now, and wants to make sure everyone knows it. Great,
great, great job.
Thia Megia, Song: Daniel
I felt bad that she had to follow James’s crazy good performance, but
she did a fantastic job. Her voice is so pure and it’s a delight to
listen to. My fear, however, is that the performance will be
considered boring compared to others during the night, and that she’ll
be in the bottom three. And she doesn’t necessarily deserve it. She
was fantastic.
Casey Abrams, Song: Your Song
So did Casey show that he was worth using the save on? Absolutely!
The haircut looks fantastic, and his choice to sing a down-tempo,
soulful song was brilliant. He had the right amount of emotion and
raw energy during that song without overdoing. Awesomely good. Yay,
Jacob Lusk, Song: Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word
Well, as much as I loved his performance last week, I didn’t like this
week. I don’t know why he rubs me the wrong way, but out of the past
4 weeks, I’ve only liked ONE of his performances – the rest seem over
the top to me. Oh well. He’s safe nonetheless. He’s got a huge
Haley Reinhart, Song: Benny and the Jets
It’s a pity that one of her better vocals also resulted in some of her
worst movements on stage. At some point she was imitating an elephant
on stage – not very fun to watch. But her vocals were killer even if
I hate how they ended her song.
So who was my favorite? It’s a tough call – I really liked Casey, but
I also liked James.
Who do I think will be in the bottom three? Thia, Haley, and Naima.
With Haley going home.