Despite 9/11, there are some conveniences to airports and domestic check-ins now. I was able to check-in online and all I need to do is bring my bag and give it to a skycap upon showing him my boarding pass. That ROCKS. And since I plan on only carrying my purse onto the plane tomorrow, it’ll be that much easier.
I’m taking a half-empty suitcase with me as I plan on hitting Kid City to do some shopping for the kids. They have CHEAP CHEAP clothes there (we’re talking $4 for an entire outfit) and I’m going to stock up.
My plans for Friday fell through, so I’ve decided to make it a quiet day for me. No kids! No husband! No job! No responsibilities! I’m going to sleep in, maybe catch a movie, take a nap, then do whatever Ace & Anthony want to do once they get home from work (which is most likely pack boxes since they are moving into a new house in a few weeks). Saturday we hit NYC to see a play, and Sunday it’s church and then more packing with A&A. I fly out super early on Monday morning and will head straight to work once I land at the airport.
Wow.. its nice that you are coming to work, but we have decided to let you off the look and wait to pack once you leave.
I know, we are nice like that.
Can’t wait to see you this evening, my only delema is how “clean” I should have my house? LOL